Rhonda’s Cooking


Archive for March, 2009

Thyroid and Emotions

Posted by rhondascooking on March 17, 2009

I felt the need to touch on this subject because for the last month, my emotions (my mental state) have been all over the place!  I had all sorts of feelings and I know I was getting on my mom and friends’ nerves because I began to complain more, snap more, give up and even question my physical appearance!  In just 1 week after being excited about my new exercise program, I crashed the next week–I stopped exercising because my mind was thinking, “what is the point of killing myself with exercise if I am still gaining weight?!”   Basically, I became emotionally unsteady for sure!  Have you felt this way too? Do you know someone going through something like this too?  Don’t give up on yourself or them! 

They thyroid imbalance has the potential to cause a person to become depressed.   (I have several books written by numerous doctors to validate my claims–I’ll share that later.)  Though I have been on this journey now for about 15 years, I have cycles too that seem to align with a woman’s cycle of life that throws me off.  I can recall feeling the same way at 30 and then at 35, but because there’s so much time between the two periods sometimes I don’t recognize that my thyroid is off, until I get really low, which by then I am depressed and angry.    I was so depressed and angry that I wasn’t seeing any results that I stopped taking my thyroid supplements.  Yes, I did!  I felt that they weren’t as effective and I was tired of the doctors “trying things”.  After all, I got a Master’s Degree for doing research, I can try things too.  Against my doctor’s wishes, I stopped taking the supplements and he supported me with 1 condition that if I continue to gain weight and get sluggish, I have to start back in a month.  Well, guess what?  I continued to gain weight even with burning 400 – 500 calories 5 days per week with a strict diet!  In 1 month, I gained the 12 pounds that I had lost 2 months prior!!! Now wouldn’t you get depressed on that?!!

So, I had to remind myself that I do not have a thyroid gland (or I should say that I have very little gland left) because I had the radioactive iodine treatment 14 years ago and I need to take the supplements just so that I can have some thyroid hormones.  I had to stop comparing my situation to every case study that has been done to help folks with this disease.  Most of those patients still had their thyroid gland.  Any rate, though I thought I wasn’t seeing results, the extra thyroid supplements were preventing me from getting worse. 

So, now I am on my way back up again.  I started back taking compound T4 on March 13th, as well as avoiding foods that could potentially work against the thyroid–foods like cabbage, turnips, strawberries, just to name a few (check out my previous blog on this topic).  I am feeling better and I LOVE myself again!  I will keep myself in check by blogging about my status–it’s therapeutic.   

If you are feeling similar to my feelings, don’t give up, don’t get depressed or frustrated.  It may not be you, it could be your thyroid imbalance.  If you haven’t been seeing a doctor, please schedule an appointment now.  Everyone needs support when fighting against this disease!  I learned this after 15 years!

Posted in Health, Thyroid | Tagged: , , , , | 4 Comments »

Ever Wonder about Omega-3’s?

Posted by rhondascooking on March 14, 2009

Omega-3 essential fatty acids, simply called Omega 3’s for short, are essential for a healthy life, particularly a healthy heart.1 The body cannot make omega-3 by itself, but it is essential for a person to consume these through foods (hence the name Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids).  There are other types of essential fatty acids, but the two principle types are omega-3 and omega-6; both are important in the right proportion.2  Most Americans have a diet that is imbalanced in the consumption of omega-3 and omega-6.  One reason is because we are a “quick and easy” processed meals society.  The ideal amount, is 1 to 2 ratio omega-6 to omega-3 instead of being 25 times more Omega 6!2  Since our diets are already rich in omega-6s, this article will focus on how to get more omega-3s. 


First, let’s start with the benefits of omega-3s. Many studies have shown that people who consume a high intake of omega-3 fatty acids1:

·        Have a decreased risk of developing heart disease

·        Have a reduced risk of death from a cardiac causes, when taken after a heart attack

·        Ease depression and bipolar depression

·        May protect against Alzheimer’s disease

·        May lower chance of developing dementia

·        May help in treating hyperactivities disorder (ADHD)

·        May help to treat joint pain, stiffness and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis


You can obtain omega-3 by eating cold-water fish, ground flaxseeds, or supplements.  Consult your doctor to schedule a physical assessment; then work with your doctor, dietician, or fitness/nutrition counselor to determine the appropriate amount you need.


1Schulman, Robert MD.  Solve It With Supplements.  New York: Rodale, 2007.

2”Introduction to Probiotics.” National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.  Jan 9, 2009. Jan 17, 2009 <http://nccam.nih.gov/health/probiotics/#uses>. 

Posted in Health | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 5 Comments »

Gadget of the Week: Mr. Coffee Electric Coffee Grinder

Posted by rhondascooking on March 13, 2009

The Mr. Coffee Electric Coffee Grinder is another one of my favorite kitchen gadgets that I use everyday!   This grinder is not just for grinding coffee beans, but I use this grinder for grinding flaxseeds.  I know that you may be thinking that a grinder is a grinder, what’s the big deal?  Well, I have tried mrcoffee-grinder2several grinders, that range in prices, and the Mr. Coffee grinder was the best by far due to its quality grind and low price.  For about $19 – $24, this grinder has 3 different types of grinds for a variety of sizes.  Moreover, this grinder has an automatic timer that stops once the grind has completed for a specific size.  Electric grinders can also be used to make puree’s or sauces; I once made pesto in my grinder and was thoroughly pleased! 

If you are considering to add more Omega-3’s to your daily diet through adding flaxseeds, then you should definitely consider getting this grinder.  Sometimes this grinder may be a little difficult to find , but check Walmart, Target or some grocery stores.  The Mr. Coffee grinder can also be purchased online through Amazon.com. 

Click here to learn more about  the Mr. Coffee Electric Coffee Grinder with Chamber Maid Cleaning System

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